The holiday season is here again, which means that you may be thinking about how to make your home and yard look more festive. Many homeowners choose to decorate inside their homes, and others extend the decorations to the outdoors, as well. If you are thinking about decorating your yard, talk to your Tucson landscaping company to make sure you do it in a way that is healthy for all of your trees and plants. Read on to learn the ways that holiday lights could harm your trees.
Electrical Fires
In a climate as dry as Tucson’s, you should be extra-vigilant about making sure that your landscaping is not a fire hazard. You can wrap electric lights around your trees, but first make sure of a few things. Check to see if the lights have been safety tested by a third-party laboratory, and make sure you are using lights that are designated for outdoor use. If you see that your light strands have frayed wires or loose connections, do not use them. You should also read the packaging labels to ensure that you are not stringing too many strands together. Usually, no more than three light strands should be connected. By following all of these warnings, you can reduce the chances that your trees will be damaged by an electrical fire.
Tight Lights
When you are putting lights around your landscaping, play it safe and get a friend to help you—especially if you need a ladder to reach taller limbs. Wrap the lights around the branches so that they won’t be blown off in case of wind, but not so tight that it will harm the tree. If the lights are wrapped too tightly, it could strangle the tree and prevent water and nutrients from getting to all of its limbs. Remove the lights when spring arrives, or before to prevent any accidental tree damage.
Call Complete Landscaping in Tucson at (520) 323-8918 with all of your questions about caring for your trees. Our landscaping professionals will help you care for your trees all year long.